[MMO] BbCode Tooltip [Free Add-ons]


Staff member
Apr 7, 2020
Reaction score
A new product by kick is available: [MMO] BbCode Tooltip 2.0.2 - Add a tooltip on hover

[MMO] BbCode Tooltip 2.0.2


For example, you need to insert a hint for a specific text, so this bb-code will help you. The tooltip will only appear when you hover over the text.
[tooltip="Here is a hint"]Here is the text[/tooltip]

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first of all, thanks for the free addon.

I have downloaded and installed it, but no clue on how to use it. I thought I'd find an area in the ACP where list words with their matching hints (which would appear in the front end when a user wrote any of them), but the fact is that I cannot see anything of this.

Most probably is I did not understand the addon's purpose... Can you help me?

Thanks again
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The add-on adds a bb-code and when writing a message in the bb-code option and the tooltip is indicated
This is what I try:

- open a new post
- turn it into BB code display
- paste this sentence : [tooltip="Here is a hint"]Here is the text[/tooltip]
- Save/post

And just see [tooltip="Here is a hint"]Here is the text[/tooltip]

What am I doing wrong?

Can you tell me what your problem is?
After installing the addon my problem is I don't understand how it works, nor a way to make it work because I cannot see an area for this in the ACP nor any clue in the front end message box.

Don't know what to do. A step-by-step tuto would be more than welcome.

Or maybe this addon is too advanced for my (very) limited knowledge
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It works in user posts. The add-on itself is the bb-code, which is located at /admin.php?bb-codes/ and the bb-code itself /admin.php?bb-codes/tooltip/edit. A screenshot of the work above was attached when hovering over a question, the same hint is shown

sorry, it was my fault because I had previously created a BB code named tooltip which seems it was interfering with yours.
Now working properly.

Thank you for your patience