Search results

  1. Pep

    [MMO] Navigation tab icons

    Fixed issue with missing icons when updating
  2. Pep

    [MMO] Navigation tab icons 2.2.0

  3. Pep

    [MMO] Navigation tab icons

    Set icons for navigation tabs easily and quickly.
  4. Pep

    Tiled view of forum statistics

    First, switch the position of the statistics widget to below / above the list of nodes, since the code is suitable only for such positions. Add to extra.less .block[data-widget-key="forum_overview_forum_statistics"] { .block-minorHeader { display: none; }...
  5. Pep

    User Message Background

    Add to extra.less .message-background (@mbUserName; @mbBackgroundUrl; @mbBackground-size; @mbBackground-position: false) { .message[data-author="@{mbUserName}"] .message-inner { background-image: linear-gradient(to top, @xf-contentBg, fade(@xf-contentBg, 60%)), @mbBackgroundUrl...
  6. Pep

    Tiled postbit with icons

    Add to extra.less
  7. Pep

    [MMO] Pach [Free Styles]

    Pepelniy добавил(а) новый продукт: [MMO] Pach 2.1.8 - A simple dark style for your forum [MMO] Pach 2.1.8 Описание Расширеная информация о продукте Узнать больше о продукте...
  8. K

    [MMO] Pach 2.1.8

    Release style