To change the Font Awesome icons of the editor buttons, just add such code to extra.less.
.editor-button-id(@buttonId; @fa-uid; @color: false) {
.fr-toolbar {
.fr-command {
&[data-cmd="@{buttonId}"] {
i:before {
& when (iscolor(@color)) {
color: @color;
& when (isurl(@fa-uid)) {
content: @fa-uid;
& when not (isurl(@fa-uid)) {
content: "\@{fa-uid}";
.editor-button-id(clearFormatting; f040; red);
.editor-button-id(strikeThrough; url('url link icon'));
Everything is quite simple, we do not need to duplicate this whole large section of code, just one line is enough.
.editor-button-id(clearFormatting; f040; red);
.editor-button-id(@buttonId; @fa-uid; @color: false);
- this is a variable that takes three parameters, separated by semicolons.- Button id - @buttonId;
- Unicode Font Awesome icons or url with image - @fa-uid;
- Icon color is @color; this parameter is optional
- Button id - clearFormatting and strikeThrough
- Unicode Font Awesome icons or url with image - f040
- Icon color - this parameter is optional so it may be absent
Just duplicate this line:
.editor-button-id(@buttonId; @fa-uid; @color: false);
Under the existing one. And slightly change for the desired editor button.