[MMO] Hide Bb-Code Content System 2.2.3 [Free Add-ons]


Staff member
Apr 7, 2020
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A new update is available for [MMO] Hide Bb-Code Content System by kick.

[MMO] Hide Bb-Code Content System 2.2.3

Update highlights

Fixed a bug, if the option to receive reactions from the request, and not from the caching field is enabled, then any reaction was accepted into the like request
Optimizing conditions
Add new traits for more customization: HasReactionTrait and HasReplyTrait.
Attention! If you used the following functions `canReplyView` and `canReactionView` in your bb-codes, be sure to connect the corresponding traits.
Add new function checked reaction
Now the option that chooses how to get the affixed reaction from the caching field or by request is applied to the following tags:
Add new function for find hide tags
If the message for the last activity contains a hide tag, then we do not display attachments in the last activity
Fixed a bug that appeared in version 2.2.0 when, after installing the add-on and adding buttons, the editor's cache was not rebuilt. Rebuild was only applied when deleting
Refactoring add-on
Reduntant check
A separate template that does not render hide but sends a message in a quote stating that this is hidden content

Complete Change Log

Fixed a bug, if the option to receive reactions from the request, and not from the caching field is enabled, then any reaction was accepted into the like request
Optimizing conditions
Add new traits for more customization: HasReactionTrait and HasReplyTrait.
Attention! If you used the following functions `canReplyView` and `canReactionView` in your bb-codes, be sure to connect the corresponding traits.
Add new function checked reaction
Now the option that chooses how to get the affixed reaction from the caching field or by request is applied to the following tags:
Add new function for find hide tags
If the message for the last activity contains a hide tag, then we do not display attachments in the last activity
Fixed a bug that appeared in version 2.2.0 when, after installing the add-on and adding buttons, the editor's cache was not rebuilt. Rebuild was only applied when deleting
Refactoring add-on
Reduntant check
A separate template that does not render hide but sends a message in a quote stating that this is hidden content

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Product Information

Release date
Last update
100% 5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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